What is herbal medicine?
Herbal medicine is the medicinal and therapeutic use of plants to rebalance and heal the body. Plants are the original medicine and contain hundreds of phytochemicals which we can use, along with dietary and lifestyle choices to keep ourselves healthy. Today plants are used as the starting material, or at least inspiration, for many pharmaceutical medicines but by herbalists plants in their entire form have been used for thousands of years. Well known traditional systems are Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Herbal Medicine which is my practice. With modern science we now also have a greater understanding of the chemical constituents contained within plants from the study of chemistry and pharmacology. We as herbalists also rely on historic and traditional sources and energetics (looking at the flow of energy in the body) to formulate herbal remedies to assist the patient to heal.
Modern herbal medicine often uses a mixture of herbs from the different traditions. The sharing of knowledge from all over the world as well as being able to nurture the growth of herbs which are not necessarily native to the west has enabled this. However, many wonderful herbs are native to England and are also incorporated in my practice and dispensary.
Herbalists combine their knowledge of plants with their knowledge of the patient after a full consultation and diagnostic tests to then match herbs to the patient in order to address the root cause of the their complaint.
Herbal training incorporates herbal safety practices so we know the appropriate dose and frequency that the patient should administer their prescribed herbs. I will also do a full check of any pharmaceutical drugs that the patient may be taking and check for any contraindications. As a qualified and practicing nurse I also have a good knowledge of medicines.